Yeh-collection tea – or the love for green tea
Let me tell you a story today: In November 2009 I went to my very first networking event. I was terrified because I knew zero persons at this event. I arrived in my red winter coat that should give me some confidence and entered the room. Right in the door a young woman entered the room beside me. She was looking around just like me, she knew nobody in the room. We started talking and I was smitten with her business: Tea Hearts as a thank you gift for wedding guests. You can read everything about this here in my post from November 2009. Since then Hsiu-Li and me stayed in contact, no very regularly but still every now and then one would write the other a message to ask how life and business goes. Two weeks ago it was her turn again and she wrote me that next to the tea hearts they were expanding the Yeh Collection webshop. I was super excited as I already loved her tea hearts as a product (I even sent a pair of them  with each Christmas card in 2009).  And then a week later she sent me a beautiful package containing two tins of hear new tea flavours: Black Label – Green tea – Jasmine pearls and Cape Gold – caffeine free rooibos lemon & lime tea.
Well first I loved receiving this beautiful gift and then I opened the tin of the Jasmine tea and the scent of Jasmine flooded the room. I couldn’t wait and made myself immediately my first tea of the green tea pearls. And instead of telling you how much I loved this tea let me tell you this: if you are a green tea drinker you will LOVE the Jasmine Pearls: easy to dose, and full taste. And next to the taste I think the little tins are just the most cute packaging for tea. Of course I also tried the rooibos lemon&lime and that one is a great tea too, specially for the evening when I don’t want to consume any more caffeine. But I must commit that the green tea pearls are my favorite for working behind my desk.
I told Hsiu-Li I would write about her wonderful products and asked her if she had a little coupon code for you to try her tea as well. She was so generous to send me a coupon code for 40% off your first order in her webshop.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
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