Workshop Christine Meintjes in Den Haag
In July I attended the wonderful workshop of Christine Meintjes. I once read that she calls her workshops „Funshops“ instead of „Workshops“ and that is so true: it was a lot of fun. It was a great experience to hear about her story and how she became what she is today. I really learned a lot. Next to the theory there was a also a fabulous styled session. When I was thinking about what to write about this workshop I figured that this session was the hardest part and the best school of this workshop. To make clear what I mean I want to start this with a quote.
[quote]“If you compare yourself to others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.“[/quote] — Max Ehrmann (Desiderata: A Poem for a Way of Life)How should you not compare yourself to others when 12 photographers are shooting the same wonderful decoration and the same pretty and cute couple ? During the session you see other photographers. You see what they do and you try to think the whole time of how the get another shot of the same subject ? How to be different ? Later you see all those beautiful blog posts coming up on all the blogs. What makes my pictures different ? If a couple would look at all those posts, what would differentiate me from all those other photographers to choose me ?
Thank you so much Christine Meintjes for telling us so much about you, to show us how you „pose“ a couple and how you developed your own style in the passed years. It was great being part of your workshop. Thanks for make me think about my own style and how to always try to be better and to develop myself.
And a huge thank you to all those fabulous vendors who really made this session special with their products and services.
And last but not least a huge huge thank you to Anouschka Rokebrand and her husband Ray for organizing this amazing workshop with all those great vendors.
Below the pictures you will find links to all vendors and the organization of this workshop.
Christine in action.
Our fabulous photographer behind the scenes: Gerhard Nel
Workshop: Christine Meintjes
Photolocation: Landgoed Te Werve
Organisation: me and Jo-Anne van der Lelij
Styling: a collaboration between Jo-Anne, Nancy and Brigitte
Ceremoniemeesters van der Lelij: Jo-Anne van der Lelij
Hair and Make-up: Cynthia Heydra for Hey Beauty
Flowers: Pink9Design, Nancy & Edwin
Weddingdress and shoes: Victors Wedding Design
Stationery (by Envelopments): MarryWise, Brigitte Mes
Cake, cupcakes: My Sweet Appetite, Marieke de Korte
Outfit groom: Roka
Videography: Unicorn Wedding Films, Ryan de Wit
Behind the scenes photographer: Gerhard Nel Photography
Workshop Organization: Anouschka Rokebrand

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