Wisdom from Downton Abbey

People who know me know I am addicted to TV series. I always need one serie to follow through, to feel with the protagonists and live for 30-90 minutes in their artificial world. Past series have been Sex and the city (what a surprise !), Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, Bones, Inspector Barnaby and Luther. But my recent serie addiction is Downton Abbey. I love the light, the scenes, the stories,  the costumes and what I like most about it is are the quotes. You could educate your children with the wisdom of Downton Abbey (maybe I am just exaggerating a little bit). The quotes from Lady Violet (played by the fabulous Maggie Smith) are most of the time the best, just full of sarcasm and honesty.

Quotes like:

“What is a weekend?”

“I will applaud your discretion when you leave.”


„I have plenty of friends I don’t like“

Are worth watching this serie. But last week when I watched an episode there was one quote so full of wisdom from Mr. Carson I needed to share it with you. Actually this quote was the reason to write this post.

Mr. Carson: The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that’s all there is.

hochzeitsfotograf jennifer hejna ueber downton abbey

I hope you are having a great weekend to make some great memories ! In the end, that’s all there is.

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