A winter wedding in Herzfeld | Ulrike & Falco
Today we start this blogging week with our last wedding of 2014. It was a very cold November wedding. Secretly I was hoping for a little snow beforehand but usually we don’t get any snow here in this part of Germany. Ulrike and Falco are two special people. They planned their classic church wedding have the perfect day with each other and with their family and friends. They chose to have their first look very classically in the church. She told me in advance „I am dreaming my whole life about this moment when I walk down the isle and see into Falco’s face“. We just love to make the dreams of our brides become reality and planned the portrait session just after the ceremony so we were right on time before the sun would set.
It was a special freezing cold day to witness how Ulrike and Falco treated all their guests as if they were the most important person for them on this day. You two thank you so much for choosing us. We loved to capture your winter wedding tale.
PS: Here is a little personal note and thanks:
Kathrin & Simon it was such a pleasure to see you two again! I photographed their wedding in 2011 and was so happy to meet these two wonderful people again.
Big thanks go to Ulrike’s brother. He prepared a slideshow of Ulrike and Falco’s lives and how they met each other. The slideshow ended with many images from our engagement session. This was such an emotional moment in the room specially for the bride and groom. Being part of this moment and seeing our images cause these emotions was such a great gift for us and just the prefect ending of the wedding season 2014. Thank you for giving us this moment.

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