Wedding at the river Werse, Hof zur Linde | Anne & Sebastian
There are still some weddings of 2014 that a I cannot wait to show you.
Anne and Sebastian got married in September at the beautiful classic location Hof zur Linde. Everything was planned in walking distnace. They got ready at the Hotel, had their ceremony at the Petronilla church which is just 200 meters walking from the location, the reception at the garden which lays directly on the river Werse and their celebration at the newly renovated barn of the Hof zur Linde.
It was a beautiful later summer day and I just loved that all women got to wear a hat. This made me feel like being somewhere in England as it felt so classic. Sebastian had two different outfits for the day and the evening.
Anne and Sebastian thank you for choosing us as your wedding photographers. It was a wonderful day to spend with you and to photograph.
Location: Hof zur Linde / Hair and Make-up: Daniela Gessner / Wedding Rings: Cartier/ Wedding Dress: Annabella / Flowers: Blumen Orschel / Wedding Cake: Konditorei Kraume / Photography: Jennifer Hejna

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