Wedding in Münster | Katharina & Ansgar
The wedding season is unfolding and each week we get to witness and photograph another couple. Sometimes I would like to stop the time and rest for a moment to process all the things that we see, the moments the people that we meet, the different wedding locations, so many influences to process. But like you know it is impossible to freeze time and to stop for a moment. The only thing we have are our memories and the images that we took of the wedding days to stop the time for a moment and remember. Last Saturday in the car on our way home long after midnight Conrad said to me: „Isn’t it such a privilege to be so close to a wedding couple and capture their most intimate moments with our cameras?“ I think this privilege is something we should never forget and always keep in our mind.
Two months ago we were in Münster to photograph the wedding of Katharina and Ansgar. For their engagement session we went to the airport and when Ansgar could have decided where to take the bridal portraits we would have gone there again. But this time we decided to take a little more romantic location. They both met behind the house for their first look and I just loved to see the joy and excitement they both had in their eyes when they saw each other for the first time. The first look always gives us plenty of time before the ceremony to take pictures and for the couple to enjoy this moment together without all guests watching them.
It was a beautiful day for them and their son Felix who got baptised the same day. The decoration all kept very classy in navy blue and white and even the weather was kind to them as the sun was shining all day long. A perfect day for a wonderful couple.

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