Wedding in Münster | Jasmin & Fabian

They met during high school in French class but she didn’t recognize him until they were on a school trip in France and he offered to carry her bags. It took them three months of dating to be finally a couple which means they were already together for eleven years before she proposed to him in 2010. As they are both incredibly fonds of animals they first adopted two cats and then also a young dog. Their love for animals also had a huge influence on the proposal. Jasmin invited Fabian to a day in the zoo. At the compound of the wolves she finally asked him if he wants to walk side-by-side with her for the rest of their lives.

They got married in October 2012 and of course we found a special place for their portrait session which tied to their story and love for animals. The old ruins of the zoo in Münster were of course the perfect place for their portrait session.

It has been a lovely day filled with laughs and love and beautiful autumn colors. I wish you both all the best for your little „pack“ walking side-by-side for the rest of your lives.


Wedding dress: Der Rosarote Brautsalon

Hair and Make-up: Weiperfriseure

Wedding Location and mobile Bar: Maikotten


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