Wedding at Wienburg Castle Münster | Lisa & Thilo

When she starts a sentence and he finishes it this can only be pure love. I first met Lisa and Thilo back in 2010 in her parents house as they lived together with their adorable cute daughter in Dresden. When I went back to her parents house three weeks ago to hand over the album that they ordered later on it was like coming into a house of old friends. Lisa opened the door and embraced me immediately. „I was so looking forward to see you this afternoon“, and she touched her belly. She was pregnant again. I love when I get a connection to my clients like this, to see their family grow and to be able to capture those wonderful moments in their lives.

Their wedding colors were all fuchsia and green. These bright colors lit up the rainy summer day. They got married together with just the closest friends and family at St. Petronilla Handorf in Münster. After the celebration and a short sunny moment outside the church and time to congratulate the happy couple the group went to the Wienburg in Münster for the reception, dinner and party. When I now look back at these pictures I remember this day and don’t have one raindrop in my memories. Everybody was just happy and their little girl Mathilda who didn’t want to wear the brand new dress that was specially for this day smiled and the whole day smiled back.










































Hi, ich bin Jennifer

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