Wedding at the Vondelkerk in Amsterdam | Winny & Tommy

They met some years ago during a Basketball game in North Holland. He was a player and she was a cheerleader for his team. Though they are both Indonesian they didn’t really spend time together after the game. In 2008 they met again during an Indonesian concert and somehow they ended up in the same group going home. He called her later that week to ask if she wanted to come with him on the first date and that is where this beautiful love story started.

Living in Amsterdam but being both from Indonesia Winny and Tommy decided to have a modern wedding in their chosen home city with a lot of traditional Indonesian elements.

I was prepared that this wedding might be the one with the most rain and storm that I ever photographed. I mean a wedding in November in Amsterdam doesn’t really sound like a lovely sunny day. Sometimes you just have to let it go and get surprised. 11.11.12 was a beautiful sunny and warm autumn day in Amsterdam and we had the chance to start the portrait session close to the church in Amsterdam’s famous Vondelpark. From there we went by car through the city to get some Amsterdam inspired portraits. Just in time before we started to freeze too much we went back to their reception where the beautiful wedding cake was already waiting for the newly weds together with a big crowd of family and friends from all over the world.

It was a very special and beautiful day where I even had the chance to speak four different languages (which I just love at international weddings… though I have to admit that my Spanish needs a little refresh). The combination of all modern elements and the Indonesian tradition made this the perfect day for an Indonesian couple living in Amsterdam.

Winny and Tommy thank you so much for choosing me  as your photographer it was a pleasure to capture this day for you.

Please find the slideshow for your family and friends here.


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