Wedding at Hotel Voshövel | Sabrina & Erik
How big is the chance to meet the love of your life in the middle of 50.000 people? I mean how big is the chance to find back your mother, sister, or friend in a crowd of 50.000 people…. pretty low right? To find back each other you would set up a meeting point to be sure you wont miss the other but what if you didn’t know each other in advance, you head towards one of those beer stands to get a drink and right there you meet the girl you are going to marry. This is a story you would probably only see in a movie but Sabrina and Erik have such a story. They met at Rock am Ring in the middle of 50.000 other people watching concerts at the festival.
As big as the crowd around them was when they first met as small the crowd of only closest family and friends were around them for their wedding day. They chose Landhotel Voshövel as their wedding location to have everything at one place from the getting ready till the first dance. Even the official ceremony took place at the Hotel’s garden inside the small Confideum.
And their wedding day was just like a big festival in a small setting. We got sun and we got pouring rain, we got tears and we got big laughs, we got some drinks and great food and we got music. What else do you need to have a great party?
And a personal note: We usually tell our couples that when they seat us for dinner with their wedding guests that it would be nice that we could see them to capture those small moments in between when nobody watches them. When we walked into the dinner room and searched for our names we first couldn’t find them until we saw the table setting overview: they seated us at their wedding table right in front of them. This has never happened before. We felt so special this evening. Well we had some trouble taking pictures of small moments as of course they both immediately saw when we lifted up the camera and pointed it at them but it was so much fun to be so close to our couple – we will never forget.
Sabrina and Erik, we wish you all the luck and happiness in the world. Thank you for treating us like friends on your wedding day, you made it such a special day for all your family and friends and for us too.

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