Wedding at Haus Ruhr Senden | Nina & Alex
I am so excited to share this wedding with you on this beautiful Friday morning. First of all I have to tell you a little story: people who once seen Conrad will never forget him. When we are at wedding fairs or at networking events people would walk up to us and like 20% would greet me first and say „Oh I know you, I’ve seen your picture on facebook/ instagram/ somewhere else“and then there are those 80% who just pass me and walk directly up to Conrad and greet him saying „Oh hi I know you from that one athletics championship in the second grade when we were 10 years old/ from that one party when we were 14/ from school you were two years younger than me/ from that orchestra where you played French horn/ or even worse…. from that one birthday party where you were with your girlfriend I just don’t remember her name.“ Well this is how it goes and I just smile and wave like that one penguin from the pixal movie Madagascar (I am quite good at that though).
So when Nina and Alex first contacted us and Conrad immediately said „Oh those two went to school with me.“ I just smiled (whithout the waving) knew if they went to school with him and they will remember him (even if they were not in the same grade) they might like to book us for their wedding. And so it was. After a super fun afternoon for their engagement session where Conrad had time to catch up with them and I had time to finally get to know these two lovely people the big day of their wedding at Haus Ruhr had finally come.
The already beautiful location was styled by wedding planner Annika Wietzorke and the beautiful surrounding of the historic house was the perfect backdrop for the wedding portraits. It was one of the first days of this summer without rain and Nina and Alex just enjoyed every second with their family and friends. It was a beautiful day and amazing to see so many people caring for this sweet couple. Conrad of course was busy seeing many people again that just knew him from school and I just stood there taking pictures, smiling and waving.
Nina and Alex we wish you all the best for your future as husband and wife. Thank you for inviting us to be your wedding photographers for your special day.
Jennifer & Conrad

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