Walk Through a Wedding – Justin and Mary Marantz
I am really lucky – not only can I do what I love but I can also share and learn from so many inspired people from all over the globe. Last week I spent two days with Justin and Mary Marantz and their Walk Through a Wedding workshop. We were packed with a group of photographers in the studio of Anouschka Rokebrand who organized the whole workshop and the Dutch Wedding Congress last week.
I already followed this couple for quite a while and I even wrote them emails if they would EVER come to Europe to give a workshop. I am really glad my photographer friend Susan and me took the three hour trip from Germany to attend their workshop in Holland.
After these intense two days I am still writing down all my notes about light, client service, vendors, marketing, branding and passion, a lot of passion. They made us laugh out loud and cry true tears about why we do what we do and what photography means to us. I never thought about me and my little wedding photography business as much as in those two days.
I thank you truly for coming over to this part of the world to share your knowledge and love with us. It was a great experience ! I wish you all the best while travelling the world as a husband and wife team and do what you love and inspire others to do what they love.
Flowers: Don Florito, www.donflorito.nl
Cake: De Keukenprinses, www.dekeukenprinses.com
Venue: Landgoed Te Werve, www.tewerve.nl
Hair and make-up: Katie Larcombe, www.katielarcombe.com
Models: Carina & David, www.carinaplusdavid.com
Dress: Unielle Couture, www.uniellecouture.nl
Stationery: Cardwise

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