Travel: Scotland

It was in back in September I think. One of those cold and rainy days where you think that summer is over and you crave some cocoa and just want to cuddle up on the couch. I was sitting behind my desk listening to the raindrops falling on my roof window when I got that vision: Scotland. Wouldn’t it be nice to sit by the fireplace in Scotland in November when it is gray and stormy outside. I did a little research and found the perfect vacation for us: a nine day train travel trough Scotland. We booked our trip and a special adventure was about to begin.

This was our travel itinerary

Glasgow-Oban-Mull-Fort William-Mallaig- Kyle of Locash-The Isle of Skye-Inverness-Pilochry-Edinburgh

Passing the landscape by train side by side was just the most relaxing vacation we ever had. We talked and read books, we listened to music and just enjoyed the Highlands passing by. Surprisingly we had almost only sunny and warm weather that one morning when the rain started while we sat on the train I smiled and said to Conrad „This is just how I envisioned it to be.“

If you are ever going to Scotland hear are my Highlights that you shouldn’t miss

– Pitlochry (just the most idyllic and Scottish little town)

– Mull (Tobermory the „capital“ of this little island will enchant you with all it’s colored houses and the little harbor)

– Oban

– Edinburgh (seriously a great historic city, full of mystery, history and small shops)

– the train ride from Fort William to Mallaig (you might recognize it if you ever watched Harry Potter before)

– watch the Isle of Skye from Kyle of Locash

Well these are just a few favorites from our small adventure and here are a few impressions from this beautiful country.


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