Travel: Dresden

Did you ever travel in your own country? We never did. When we have weddings in other cities we try to stay a day or two longer to visit but mostly in the high wedding season there is always a reason for us to not stay longer and go home the day after the wedding.

This month we got some great opportunities to go and visit Dresden and Berlin and I am so grateful for that chance because I haven’t been to both cities in the past 10 years (most likely even longer).

We went to Dresden right after the week we spent in Paris. I know it sounds crazy as it is more than 1000km driving from Paris to Dresden but with Conrad being our driver (me being the back up driver), a great audio book and some nice food to eat on the way it was just like a little adventure for us two to go all the way by car.

We arrived in Dresden in the dark and had the pleasure to stay at our friends Astrid & Olli’s apartment right in the center of the Neustadt of Dresden. The next day after some little remote office time to answer emails we went to the old city center. I have never seen the „Frauenkirche“ as it was completely destroyed in the second world war and has been reopened in 2005. It is such a beautiful and impressive church. I could just sit there and wonder how someone got the courage after the war to build up this opulent building that was completely destroyed. Seriously I have so much respect for these people that rebuild everything from nothing.

We enjoyed some good Saxonian food and beer and stayed until the blue hour had started to see the fantastic opera house fully lit.

I got to think a lot about the history of our country and how much it infected the cities in the East. Let’s hope that this history will never be repeated and those crimes will never be forgotten.

Have you ever been to Dresden? What were your favorite sites?

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