Travel: Berlin
After our little stop in Dresden we kept driving to Berlin to see my good friend Christina. She lives in Berlin since two years and I felt so bad that this was the first time we came to visit her.
Spring decided to come back again for us to see Berlin from its most beautiful side. We walked through our capital city and enjoyed the view on this ever changing city. Did you know that Berlin is the city with the most construction sites? Well when you go there you will understand what I mean. No matter where you leave the U-Bahn you will always end up crossing a construction site. But all the buildings that are already finished look so beautiful and I am sure Berlin once all constructions will be finished Berlin will become one more highlight for European travelers.
When you go to Berlin don’t miss to visit the city from the boat with a little boat ride on the Spree. It is so relaxing and you see a great part of the city from the water side.
What are your favorite sites in Berlin?
Me and my good friend Christina. Can you believe we know each other since 1995? We went to highschool together.
Because when in Berlin you need a selfie with the Brandenburger Tor.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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