Time and Life Savers – Part I Evernote and Blogstomp

Having dinner with some photographer friends we talked about time. What I heard most of the time „I just don’t have the time to blog, I just don’t have the time to edit within two weeks, I just don’t have the time…“ We are all busy I totally get it but there are some time and life savers that will save you hours of time and get you back to your life and quality time with your friends and family.

I am starting this series today with two programs that I love to use and that saved me hours of searching for links that I saved „SOMEWHERE“ and hours in Photoshop to size my images for blogposts. Evernote and Blogstomp


You never know when inspiration will hit you. Evernote will help you keeping track of all links, images, websites and documents that you want to keep and that you want to look at at a later moment. I even have some friends who do their whole bookkeeping in Evernote. The great thing is, when you have an account you can use Evernote on all devices: your phone, your ipad, your laptop and your computer. So install Evernote on your phone and on your computer and just clip everything that get’s your attention to read later or find back.


If you are still using actions in photoshop to create collages for your blog you will thank me forever. I thought everybody would use this little program and I was surprised to find out that there are many photographers who don’t know about it yet. So go and check it out ! It can do one thing – prepare your images for the blog. But you know how much time that can take, don’t you ? So just save hours of resizing,  putting your logo on images and sharpening them for the web and head over to their website to buy their program and just save hours of time. The team of Blogstomp has been so gracious that they gave me a coupon code for you so you can buy blogstomp as a reduced price with 20% off. Even if you are not a photographer but you have a blog, this program will save you hours of time ! Here is the coupon code for you: JHEJNA20


Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.

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