The marketing napkin: How to stand out in the crowd – part 2
Last week we took a little break and headed to Denmark to enjoy some solitude and breath a lot of fresh sea air. The week before I started a new mini series here on the blog The marketing napkin: How to stand out in the crowd. Part one was everything about to be unique and to do something different, something original instead of copying others or getting inspired by others. If you want to read that part head over here.
So now you got that original idea. You created that one styled shoot that is different from all the boh0-vintage shoots that are out there at the moment, you created a special invitation that is different from all the water colored one’s outside that every designer is creating, you created something from your heart not because it is a trend but because this idea kept you awake for nights. But now what? Time to get to the next step my friend. Time to become c.o.n.s.i.s.t.e.n.t.
Look at that at your unique piece and think about what you love about it. Though we shouldn’t be influenced by others please also try to look at it from the outside – what do others love about it? Why is it so appealing. Take the essence: the style and translate it into a recipe. For a photographer that would be: the composition, the atmosphere, the light and the editing and make sure that all your future work will have a similar style.
The more congruent and consistent your website, your blog, your facebook and your instagram will look the more people will start following you. They will be attracted by your consistent style. They know what to expect to come back to your site. They expect beauty and they will find beauty because you are creating your kind of beauty and with your magic recipe you are now able to recreate that beauty over and over again.
Have a look at your raw models like last time. Scroll through their accounts. You will see after the point of doing something unique, they took the essence of that uniqueness, the same style and implemented it into every new piece of work. Start thinking out of the box: Who is your favorite singer? Adele? What was the first song you heard of her? Chasing Pavements? What did you love about it most? Now look at all the other songs that came after „Chasing Pavements“ – same style, same voice, same atmosphere. This is why we fall for a kind of music – it is consistent, a typical sound, a style. And I am sure every time Adele writes a new song she thinks first, no matter if it is sad or happy, if it fits into her portfolio of songs.
That makes them unique and consistent – for every creative business these are the two pillars to success (according to me please don’t hate or sue me if you don’t agree.)
PS: the essence that I took from the beach shoot that I showed you last time: sweet melancholy, black and white, strong colors.

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