The first thing on your to-do list when you start your own business
I remember from starting my own business the huge to do list that was laying on my desk in my living room. Items on that list were: creating a logo, ordering business cards, creating a website, start writing a blog, choose images for my portfolio etc. I loved that list because I could be creative, be my own boss, decide what I need to do first and most importantly I could just sit in my sweat pants in my living room behind my laptop and feeling like having my own company. It was more a game than a real situation. One important thing was missing on that list: making money.
I told myself that before I could go out there and actually make money I would need all those creative cards, logos, websites and even my Oh-so-imortant social media business card that I made up would need to be ready before I could go out there. But let’s be honest even if it hurts: without the money making part your business is just a hobby or a dream but not a business.
Those points on my list, and maybe you have the same points on yours are important, don’t get me wrong but the first to-do point on your list should be: making money. „But how am I doing that?“ some of you may ask from your couch in your sweatpants with your hair bun on your head. Well exactly that is the point: once this point is on your list you will have to start to think about how to find your clients, who your client is and how to reach them. Maybe you told somebody that you are going to start your own business and that person told you you should call him once you are ready as he is interested in your product (e.g. as a photographer somebody told you he needs new profile images). Now is the time to call that person. Or you know there is a networking event in your area for young entrepreneurs. Go there, take your ipad show what you have on it and take a bunch of notecards with you to write down your phone number. People will be enthusiastic about your hand written note cards when they hear you just started and you chose meeting potential clients over creating a website.
And just imagine sitting on your couch with crossed legs on Friday morning with your head bun on your head your coffee latte in your hand and your laptop on your lap and you have to set client meetings and process your first orders next to creating your website and a logo? How great would that feel?
You are in business now baby.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
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