The business posts 2015
Oh I can hear the reindeers coming closer and closer and listen to Christmas songs in the office all day. This year has been so exciting that I almost cannot believe that 2016 will be even more exciting for us. So to start our all year favorite series here on the blog with my first post: all photographer blogposts of 2015. In 2015 I started blogging a little more in general for small business owners than only for photographers so this post is not only for photographers. Also I started the series „The Marketing napkin“ this summer which has been the first business series here on the blog filled with marketing tips. Next to this we launched several products in our webshop this year: the photographer magazine, the price list templates Berlin and Verona and the welcome kit Berlin and Verona.
Enjoy the dose of inspiration and motivation right before the holidays. Did you have a favorite post this year?
Creating Email templates in Gmail and MacMail
Oh my darling, what if you fly?
Let me invite you on a marketing date
TMN: How to define your ideal customer?
TMN: Your ideal customer and your branding
When you feel like quitting, think about why you started
9 business books every small business owner should read
3 things I learned from relaunching my site during the most busy period of the year
How to get your next 20 weddings booked?
4 tips to work focussed in a busy surrounding
5 SEO tips to make sure your blog gets found on google
Time and Life savers: Dropbox and Google Drive
Pros and Cons of being your own boss
The first thing on your to do list when you start your own business
And a few posts under the category wise words that I think cannot harm to read when to find business inspiration…
How to get inspired without turning into a copy cat?
But if it is real you will feel it
The progress that I didn’t see coming
What no one tells you about happiness
Beauty begins the moment you start being yourself
If your dreams don’t scare you they are not big enough

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.
Dein Have-it-all Guide
‚Work-Life-Passion: Der Mini-Guide für dein perfektes Gleichgewicht‘ direkt in deine Mailbox.
Meine Favoriten
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