Take passion as the foundation
This week I sat down and started to think about passion. Do you live with passion? I mean true passion in every aspect of your life? The passion that makes us open our eyes in the morning and jump out of bed because you cannot wait to get to work. The passion that makes you wonder when you look to the other side of the bed how you could ever live without that other person sharing your bed with you. The passion that makes you run and run and run until you reach the first 5k that makes your heart swell with pride because you are an official runner now. Â Where do you have passion for something in your life? Do you live passionate from the ground of your heart in every aspect of your life?
I believe that as long as something starts with passion it will be a good thing. You wont be able to fail to do it when you start with passion. Do something out of obligation, routine or boredom and you will always ask yourself if it is the right thing to do. You will not make it out of bed in the morning because you don’t like your job passionately you go to work because of routine and obligation.  You will struggle and find excuses to not go for a run because you are not running because of passion but because of an obligation that you feel.
Take passion as the foundation for your life and everything you do and you will work less as you see your work as a gift instead of an obligation you will reach higher goals as you act from a place of genuine drive instead of a feeling you need to push yourself to the next level. Start with passion and you will develop yourself to become the best version of yourself living the best life you could aim for.
PS: I get it not everybody has the chance to find a job that is based on passion but incorporate passion to all other aspects of your life.Â

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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