A formal family session | Familienfotografie in Havixbeck
Two weeks ago I was facing a new challenge. Family portraits of three families that should all fit together and have the same style. The pictures should be a gift and will be hung on [...]
Two weeks ago I was facing a new challenge. Family portraits of three families that should all fit together and have the same style. The pictures should be a gift and will be hung on [...]
Hallo ihr Lieben, Hier eine kleine Vorschau auf das Familienshooting, das ich letzte Wochenende bei schönstem Wetter im Münsterland gemacht habe. Es gibt noch mehr schöne Bilder von den beiden Süßen also behaltet den Blog im Auge. (English text below the picture) This is a little teaser of the family shooting I did [...]
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