A summer wedding in Münster | Andrea & Benedikt
It was the hottest day of this year. We were driving to the city center of Münster with the air conditioning on in the car talked about the timetable and the temperatures. Seriously I love a hot warm summer day for a wedding but 38 degrees when the bride is pregnant that is just a little bit too much.
Andrea and Benedikt started their small intimate wedding at the „Gelateria Art e Bio“ where they met family and friends enjoyed some freshly made Italian ice cream to cool down from the high temperatures and walk all together from here to the registry office in Münster the „Lotharinger Kloster“. After the ceremony the small crowd of wedding guests walked together with the bridal couple through the city center to their wedding location „Spitzner im Oerschen Hof“ to have together a lovely lunch under a huge old tree in the backyard of the restaurant.
It was just the perfect relaxed summer afternoon where the grown ups where enjoying the shadow under the tree and some great food and wine and the kids where running around playing and having fun.
Andrea & Benedikt thank you so much for booking us for your wedding we loved capturing your intimate day. We cannot wait for your big church wedding in Hamburg!
Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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