Summer wedding at Landhotel Beverland
I don’t remember how long these two love birds are already a couple, when you see how they look at each other and how they treat each other you might think they just met and fell in love.
Apart for their love for each other they also have a big thing for their home town Münster. And as they don’t live here anymore they decided they wanted some portraits in the city centre. Let me explain first that Britta and Jan are two calm people who don’t fancy being the centre of attention. We arrived at the Principal market and it was crowded with people and little white tents as the annual city festival was going on. Everywhere were little stages with singer/songwriter contests and people standing around them to enjoy the summer day with music and drinks. I told them that if they want to do this they have to be brave as a wedding dress causes a lot of attention. They looked at each other and smiled: „We want to do this.“ And so we walked don’t the historic main street of Münster and stopped here and there to take pictures of them together and here and there for people to congratulate them. By the time that we reached their church and the end of the Principal Market we realized we still had some time left before the ceremony would begin. I looked around and saw one stage close by where one singer with a guitar was performing a love song. „Wouldn’t it be just so unique for you if you would dance to that song in your wedding attire?“ A little moment of silence, a quick look at each other and they nodded: „If not today when could we do this?“ And they went to the stage and danced.
I was so mesmerized by the magic moment and taken by these two brave people dancing in front of a whole city I almost forgot to take pictures of them…. almost.
Wedding Location: Landhotel Beverland
Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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