A summer wedding at the Factory Hotel | Martina & Lars
I am so excited to share today the beautiful wedding of Martina and Lars with you.
They got married at the old Germania Campus in Münster at the Factory Hotel.
When I entered the bridal suite in the morning I was welcomed by Martina, her maid of honour and Janina from weiperfriseure. It was a relaxed atmosphere and Martina wanted to make sure I have anything I need for some great images of her details and getting ready. Martina and Lars are two people you just have to love. Seeing their love for each other and how they care for their family and friends was just beautiful. Lars best friends and groom’s men surprised him with a special car as the wedding vehicle and they both decided they wanted an extra portrait session with only their groom’s men and bridesmaids. In the US this is common as the bridal party pictures but for us here in Europe we don’t see that too often.
They both created their day just exactly like they wanted it to be, to spend as much time with the beloved people around them and of course with each other.
Martina and Lars it was such a pleasure to capture your day and getting to know you both in the past year. We lived with you through the ups and downs in the past year and we wish you all the best, love and above all health for the future.
Wedding Location: Factory Hotel Münster / Church: Apostel Kirche / Hairdresser: weiperfriseure / Flowers: Jens Weidemann / Wedding Rings: Marrying Münster/ Photography: Jennifer Hejna

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