Summer wedding at Sudmühlen Hof | Susanne & Stefan
While I am wrapped in a blanket behind my computer with hot tea and wollen socks I cannot deny: the summer is over. It is getting cosy, colorful and cold over here and I have to admit this autumn season is my favorite season of all. While looking back at this special summer I have so many more wedding to show and share with you here on my hard drives. Today I am super excited to share with you the beautiful wedding of Susanne and Stefan back from June this year.
The day started very special to us with a love shoot of them together just before they would head to Lotharinger Kloster for their civil wedding. A lot of couples would thing having the civil wedding and the church wedding on one day would just end up in stress but Susanne and Stefan were just calm and happy for their big day and wouldn’t get stressed at all. After their little reception in the garden behind the Kloster they headed both to their hotel to get ready for the church. The knock on the door of the Hotel room told us that it was time to leave as Susanne’s father was there to pick her up. I love these moments between generations so much on wedding days and after her father took her sight being a bride in he started dancing with his daughter in the Hotel room. It was such a beautiful little moment.
The day continued just as relaxed and well planned as it started and it ended all in a huge party at their wedding location Sudmühlen Hof.
I was such a beautiful day filled with lough and joy and after meeting these two more than a year ago for the first time it was a big pleasure to be with them and capture their day. Their endless love for each and for the people around them was present throughout the whole day and in every tiny word they said to each other. I might just have smiled at them behind my camera all day long. Because this is what every wedding day should only be about: LOVE.
Wedding dress: Marylise / Groom’s attire: Wilvorst / Flowers: Dahlmann / Church: Apostel Kirche
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