Summer wedding at Hof zur Linde | Hannah & Christian
Just imagine you would get married on the hottest da of the year. A tropic day with around 40degrees Celsius. Well Hannah and Christian just picked that day this year for their wedding.
We started the day with their getting ready shoot at their flat. They were both getting ready here and I just loved the fact that Christian helped Hannah getting into her dress. Isn’t there something so candid and intimate about getting ready together instead of two different places?
Enjoying the moment of an air conditioned car we drove right to the big Apostel church from their flat. It was such a beautiful day to capture with all the personal details Hannah and Christian had chosen as well as the atmosphere in the tropic temperatures with all their friends and their big family. People were joking about the weather, chatting in the shadow and enjoying themselves and the beautiful day. It was one of those days where everything was just perfect.
The evening continued in one of our favorite wedding locations in Münster Hof zur Linde with heartful speeches and ended for us with the sultry salsa dancing night.
Hannah and Christian we wish you all the best for the future. May your marriage be as carefree and full of love as your wedding day was.
Wedding location: Hof zur Linde / Wedding Dress: Rembo Styling

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