Summer Wedding at Haus Ruhr | C&T
Last summer we photographed the beautiful day of Claudia and Tristan at Haus Ruhr. Haus Ruhr is a wedding location close to Münster that has opened two years ago and since then we are always happy to photograph weddings at this stunning location. Claudia got ready at the old chateau together with her sisters while Tristan was already waiting by the little chapel that is just a 2 minute walk from the castle. They chose everything carefully for their special day. Everything for their day was chosen very carefully: from the personal ceremony, to the emotional music to special gifts for their closest family. Every moment was just filled with joy and love. I could tell you a lot more but I think the best way to feel their wedding day is to check out their wedding pictures.
C&T we wish you all the best for the future. It was such a fun day with you at your wedding day.

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