Styled Shoot at the beach of Wassenaar

One of my favorite vendors  and dear friend Giada Graziani and me decided a while ago that we wanted to do a styled shoot together. It is easy to decide such things but most of the time these ideas and alliances just stay an idea and no one takes the first step into organizing.

Some weeks later I just wrote her „A grey beach, grey sky, some fog and beautiful flowers and a bride shining out of this grey surrounding. Can you feel the atmosphere ?“

She immediately wrote back having a similar idea in her mind, we called, set a date, discussed other possible vendors and on 21st of January we finally did this gorgeous styled photo shoot at the snowy beach of Wassenaar. At -8 degrees together with a wonderful team of creative people the energy on the cold beach just exploded. I want to thank every single person who attended and gave the 200% with such a cold weather to get this stunning result.

Take on a warm coat and grab a hot chocolade with this styled session on a wintery beach.



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