Spring wedding in Lage Vuursche | Mieke & Ruben

Last Friday I was in Lage Vuursche in the Netherlands to photograph the wedding of Mieke and Ruben.

They met each other virtually through MSN – something that sounds so old fashioned today that it just shows us how quickly time is running. The easy it was to talk through a chat where you don’t see each other the difficult it was for them to talk in person. He invited her for the cinema and she refused as she was too shy to spend an whole evening with him. So his sister took action an invited him in with some other friends. They didn’t talk all evening but when he left he gave her the first kiss. Her parents were secretly watching from the top of the stairs and happy that they finally found each other in real life.
Since then they are a couple.

Their wedding day was beautiful with just a small group of family and friends. Their reception, ceremony, church, dinner and party all took place in Lage Vuursche. Lage Vuursche is such a beautiful village to get married as everything is close together and you get the chance to walk from one location to the next.

Mieke wrote me a beautiful quote that just perfectly fits into this blogpost with this wedding :

[quote]The most beuatiful things in the world cannot be seen or even be touched, they must be felt with the heart“- Hellen Keller[/quote]




[audio:https://www.jenniferhejna.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Josh-Garrels-Love-War-The-Sea-In-Between-17-Pilot-Me.mp3|titles=Josh Garrels – Love & War & The Sea In Between – 17 Pilot Me]























































































For guests and friends is here the link to the slideshow.


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