Silke & Christian | Wedding photographer in Münster

I’ve been so looking forward to the wedding of Silke and Christian. We already met earlier this year for their engagement session. We had loads of fun – I even brought Conrad as my assistant to carry umbrellas. Maybe I should have brought him also to the wedding as it was raining all day. We were lucky that the rain stopped for just one hour for the portrait session. I was really impressed that the witness and best friend of Christian was singing for the couple in the church and I was not the only one having some tears in my eyes during that moment.

I am so blessed to be allowed to capture the most beautiful day of people like Silke and Christian. The groom even made me blush when he included me in his thank you speech…. I was not prepared for that. I just loved their day and being part of it.

Enjoy the pictures.

Church: Dyckburg Kirche Münster

Wedding Location: Waldhaus Ladbergen

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