Schloß Hugenpoet wedding | Daniela & Andreas
She opened the box with the wedding bouquet and a bright smile was flashing on her face: „Peonies“, she said. „My favorite flowers and he told me all the time that it was impossible to get peonies in August“.
The two were high school sweethearts getting finally married. They choose a location with class and elegance for their wedding. The color of their wedding day was water color apricot. Even her two bridesmaids and most of the wedding guests dressed themselves in apricot which made a beautiful image of the day.
The classic setting in the park behind such a beautiful castle and the perfectly styled details with pompoms in the trees and a wedding cake in the same color, even the champagne had the color apricot and fitted perfectly into the big picture of the day.
While the peonies were already placed in a vase on the dinner table Daniela and Andreas danced their first dance to the song „One and Only“ by Adele as the opening of the party after their perfect day.
Daniela and Andreas thank you so much for choosing us to capture your wedding day. We loved being part of it !

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