Reasons why you should consider your wedding on a week day
It is Tuesday and it feels like a Sunday to me. This is because yesterday we had a full day wedding. To be honest I cannot remember ever photographing a wedding on a Monday before, Fridays, Thursdays, Sundays and of course 90% of weddings are on Saturdays but never a Monday. So this got me thinking a little about weekday weddings and why they are such a great idea.
1. You have a chance to get your favorite wedding vendors as they are not booked months or years in advance for your wedding date.
2. You know your guests won’t be invited to another wedding.
3. The wedding location is often cheaper and you have a bigger choice of venues.
4. Choosing a Thursday or Friday your guests and you still have a long weekend ahead. Choosing a Monday your guests will be super relaxed as they had two days off before your wedding.
These are just four advantages that I see from a weekday wedding maybe you know even more.
Here is a little sneak preview of yesterday’s beautiful Monday wedding.
Hi, ich bin Jennifer
2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.