Q&A: How to plan your blog (+ Freebie blog planner)

Since March I changed our blog strategy (you might have noticed I blog a lot more since then) and the most asked question I get since then in mentor sessions or in messages is: „How do you plan and keep up with your blog?“

Blogging can be hard sometimes. Some posts might take you 20 minutes and others 2 hours but the more I blog the more ideas I get and as it is now part of my daily routine I love blogging a lot more than before where it felt obliged to write a blog post once a week. So this changed me and my relationship with my blog. I am not saying this is for everyone and it surely takes up a lot of time but for me it is definitely worth it. This blog is turning into one important part of my business and receiving messages and comments from people I would never expect to read my blog just makes me really happy.

Last week I was at a local festivity here at our village and people that I didn’t speak in years asked me about how I am doing on my „Bucket-before-30-list“. I think that is crazy and I love it as I feel so much more connected with my blog and with the readers.

blog planner by jennifer hejna_0002

But how to keep up with blogging 5 days a week ? I know we live in digital era and everything can be done with your computer. There are great apps and calendars just for planning your blog digitally and believe me I tried them. It just doesn’t work for me. I need to write my ideas down with a pencil, I need to erase those with a rubber and write new once down instead. That is my way of planning.

I started my planning on my simple note book with ideas on one page and all dates written down on the next. I quickly figured out what I needed for a well planned month of blogging and I designed my own blog planner that I can print out each month, put it in a folder and start planning. I print these double paged so I have the new month next to the Blog brainstorm page on the backside of the last month.

blog planner by jennifer hejna_0003

Like this I have the perfect overview of my whole blogging month and at the same time creative space for all my ideas for blog posts. On the bottom of the calendar page there I write down which images I still need for special posts and just notes for other things around the blog.

This blog planner works nicely for me and I don’t know if it works for everybody. If you want to try it out you can download my blog planner here for free.

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Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.

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