Q&A : How to make my images on facebook look good ?

During the mentor session with Ruben he asked me how I manage to get my images on Facebook to show up nice and sharp instead of pixelated and unsharp. I said there is one very easy fix: upload a PNG instead of a JPG file.

Easy isn’t it ?

Here is an example of a jpg image that I uploaded. Do you see that the image somehow doesn’t look sharp and you see the pixels specially in the faces ? Sometimes I forget to upload my images as a PNG file and then this happens.

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Opposed to the previous image this one loks nice and sharp like it should look. It is simply a PNG file and Facebook cannot compress the filesize and make it look pixelated.

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Specially your Facebook cover image should look nice and sharp – everybody that heads over to your Facebook page will see this first and you only have one chance to make a first impression.

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I know there are other options like changing the file size for Facebook but for me this just works really nicely. I hope it helps you too !

Have a great weekend.





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