How to prepare for your engagement session?
It is Janauary and though we are going to photograph our first wedding of the year next Saturday it is not what we call the wedding season. This time offers us much time to meet up with our couples and get them in front of our cameras for their engagement sessions. To make your engagement session a little bit more than just a couple shoot in advance to your wedding here are some tips from me to you on how to make your engagement session extra special and creating some images that you will cherish forever.
My „three Ds“ for a successful engagement session:
Wear something for your session that you feel pretty in and make sure that your two outfits match each other. Don’t forget to bring a second outfit to create a second look. What if you have one outfit that is stylish and chique and one that is casual and relaxed? To get inspired what to wear I created a pinterest board full of clothing inspiration for engagement sessions.
Make it personal. Think about unique details that are special for you or that would suit your idea of an engagement session. Think about bikes or a picknick, every details makes the session more unique.
Dream location
When it comes to the location of your engagement session think out of the box. Think about a place that is special for your two or a place where you would loved to be photographed in. With an engagement session we have the chance to be free to choose in contrast to your weddding pictures where we are bound to your wedding location, the wedding dress and the wedding timeline. We can discuss all possibilities and make your dream location become the background of your images.

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