Jessica and her friends – a portrait session
When Jessica asked me if I wanted to photograph her girls of the bachelorette party I was first hesitating – a bachelorette party ? That doesn’t sound like something you would need a photographer for. But then she said she wanted something different. Instead of walking dressed up like a pink bunny in the city she wanted to have a portrait shoot with her best friends. Being her wedding photographer I thought it would be a great idea to meet her best friends already before the wedding. So I decided to get out of my wedding comfort zone and we started planning.
Together with her best friend and witness of her wedding day and Daniela Plesser a make-up artist I planned this session for several months. I was a little worried to have six girls at the same time in my little studio (this was still in our old studio) so we decided one day before their shoot to rearrange the whole studio (well I decided and thanks to Conrad for making this happen last minute!).
Every girl was pampered with hair and make-up by Daniela and got photographed one by one by me. They each had two sessions with two outfits and a little change of hair and make-up and at the end of the day we took one group shot of them together. It was a fantastic group to shoot and each of the girls left with authentic and elegant portraits of herself.
For me it was specially fun to see them all again on Jessica’s wedding a month later.
Please give a huge round of applause to Jessica, Mareike, Nadine, Ela, Janine and Anna-Lena. And one of them is even a blogger too ! So head over to to enjoy a dose of beauty fun. Anna-Lena’s blog

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