For photographers 2014

for photographers posts jenniferhejna_0001

Now Christmas is really around the corner and I can finally start with my favorite posts of the year: the „this has been 2014 posts“. And I am starting theses posts with a series for photographers who have some time between the holidays and search for some business inspiration. These have been our posts for photographers 2014.


What lens to buy?

Q&A: 9 steps to your corporate identity

Q&A: How to make your images look good on Facebook?

Time and Life savers part 1: Evernote and Blogstomp

Q&A: How to find good light at noon on a sunny day ? Part 1  (Find the light series)

Time and Life Savers – Part 2

 And what if it rains ?

Q&A: How to create a wedding album in InDesign using templates  (including FREEBIE download)

Is a blog the only way to show your recent work ?

Q&A : How to find good light at noon ? Part 2  (Find the light series)

Time and Life savers – Part 3 Grand Total and Photomechanic

Q&A : How to take photos in harsh lighting without shadow? (Find the light series)

Follow your dreams, they know the way

How can I attract the perfect client ?

Q&A: How to plan your blog (+ Freebie blog planner)  (including FREEBIE download)

Q&A: One pose five images

Be yourself

Q&A: Dealing with back lighting – Find the light part 4  (Find the light series)

3 steps on how to define your style of photography

3 reasons why you should attend certain wedding fairs as a wedding photographer

Q&A: How to get the best images of your bride in moments where you shouldn’t interfere

Q&A: 3 reasons why you should give wedding images to other wedding vendors

5 WordPress plugins for a more powerful wordpress blog – Part 1

The welcome kit trailer

Focus on being better than yourself

How To: 3 tips on posing couples

Q&A: How to create magic black and white images

5 plugins that will make your blog more powerful – Part II

5 tips to grow your blog

 3 things that made me grow as a photographer

12 tips for starting photographers

Q&A: How to get your first 30 weddings booked as a new wedding photographer (including FREEBIE download)





Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.

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