Paris my city

I planned a different post for today. I planned to post about the happiest moment of this year for Conrad and me personally – his proposal and our engagement. What made this post to hard to post today is the fact that this happy moment just 20 days ago took place in Paris. He proposed to me in this very special city to us as I didn’t only lived there, we also decide to come back each and every year to walk through the streets and get some savoir-vire atmosphere in this very special city. We were in Paris for five days at the end of October and Conrad proposed to me, we went to a concert, we sat in cafés and we had wonderful food and evenings in restaurants. We did what everyone is doing and living in this beautiful city. After last Friday it feels wrong to post about these happy moments in Paris just a few days ago. Instead I want to post a tribute to Paris – the city of love, the city of joy and the city of freedom. My thoughts are with the victims, the families and everybody who is influenced by the horrible events of 13/11.

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