Our magazine

the magazine photographer jennifer hejna_0001The idea to create a magazine started with a dream of mine. How wonderful would it be to have a magazine with my images. But just creating a beautiful magazine without a purpose wouldn’t pay the printing costs. We already have a welcome kit for the wedding couples that have booked us so filling it with information for clients wasn’t an option too. But then we started planning the new season of wedding fairs and looked at our old flyers and there this dream of a magazine became the idea of a magazine for wedding couples that haven’t booked us (yet). A magazine filled with information for wedding couples that are still in the orientation phase and still ask themselves „How to find the perfect wedding photographer?“.

This Question quickly became one lead article in the magazine followed by the second article that I found was very important for couples before they book their wedding photographer „The connection between wedding couple and wedding photographer – and why we think it is important“.

The creation process started and with it the whole magazine unfolded almost automatically. What do the couples need to see and know in advance?

1. A selection of our portfolio images beautifully arranged

2. Behind the scenes images of us on a wedding day

3. Some facts and fun stuff about our work and us personally (The questionnaire was born)

4. A welcome page to explain what the magazine is about and who we are (The editor’s letter was just perfect for this)

5. A selection of vendors that we recommend (even if a couple doesn’t book us we are happy if our favorite vendors get booked by them)

6. The images that every bride wants of her wedding day. This was the hardest part as I wanted to include a selection of images that a couple maybe doesn’t think about before their wedding but miss afterwards. So in terms of education we created several pages with images that just show those important images from the getting ready till the first dance and make clear why having a photographer for the whole wedding day is such a great idea.

7. A page for the groom because he is so often forgotten and he deserves beautiful images too.

8. Testimonials combined with big images.

Have a look yourself and some pages that I photographed of our 40 pages magazine.

As our welcome kit was such a great success with wedding photographers in Europe we will soon make this magazine available in Dutch, German and English too. This one will be available to edit in InDesign, Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. The photographer will just have to drag and drop his images and logo into the template add some personal text, answer the questionnaire with his answers and is ready to go with a unique magazine to use for promotion.

If you want to get informed as soon as „The magazine“ launches sign up for our newsletter.

(Pssssssst there will be an early bird reduction exclusively for newsletter subscribers)




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Hi, ich bin Jennifer

2009 entschied ich, dass ich lieber 24h für mich arbeite als 8 in einem großen Büro zu sitzen. Seitdem ist einiges passiert. Das meiste kannst du von Beginn an auf diesem Blog nachlesen. Meine Mission ist es jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln aufzustehen, weil ich das tue, was ich liebe. Und wenn ich das kann, kannst du das auch.

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