Old and new friends

schwangerschaftsfoto muenster_0031Tomorrow we will be documenting the day of Verena and Kevin but before we head of to their wedding I wanted to share with you a little special moment.  This week was an is very special. It was filled with wonderful engagement sessions of our wedding couples and we got to chat with them about their special day and their plans. And on top of that I got on Monday an email from Tommy (a groom from 2012 – click here if you want to see their beautiful Amsterdam wedding) who told me he and his wife Winny were expecting their first child and they would come all the way to Münster (they live in Amsterdam) to have a surprise pregnancy shoot with us. I was so surprised myself and excited about this special email I was just hoping we could find a date. And after some emails back and forth we found a date and met these two wonderful people this morning in Münster. It was such a big surprise for Winny and so lovely to see them both again that I had to share one image from our session today with you. I love to tell stories with my images and I love it even more when I get to keep telling the story a little longer than the wedding day.

This special week is not over yet as we of course will capture Verena and Kevin’s day tomorrow and we will have a very special coaching session on Sunday with one of our former brides – I cannot wait!

Have a lovely weekend friends!

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

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