Noreen & Wijnand | Engagement Session in the old town of Münster
Sometimes I get inquieries from couples and I have to say that I am already booked. When Noreen asked me to capture her wedding day this was one of those inquieries. I cannot split myself to do two weddings on one day but Noreen got the idea to do at least an engagement session together. I was more than happy to meet this cute Dutch-German couple in Münster and to take their engagement pictures in the old center of this beautiful city. We talked in German and in Dutch and just had a lot of fun.
They met during her student time in Enschede and fell in love. „I didn’t pan that“, she told me smiling at him “ but then he asked me to move into his house.“ We chatted about the house and relationships and she figured out „Everything has a time, and now it is the perfect time to get married.“
I just loved how they looked at each other with love in the eyes.
They brought clothes to change so we could create two different styles of pictures. I just love her blue dress with the black flower on it.
Thanks for letting me capture your engagement. I hope you two will have a wonderful wedding.

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