Nominated for the wedding picture award 2012 !!!
I was on vacation in November sitting on my sunny terrace when I got the message from the magazine Bruid&Bruidegom if I could call them back even if I was on vacation. It was really early for the awards so I was wondering what their urgent matter might be. So I called them back. Gerdien told me that I was nominated two times for the awards 2012. I was beyond happy and with the sun and heat this could just be a perfect vacation day !
This picture has been nominated in the category „wedding & emotions“ . Please read the wonderful story of Antje & Stephan where I captured this picture. It shows Stephan and his grandma who was so happy after the ceremony that they got married.
The second picture is nominated in the category „Grooms“. Please read here everything about the wonderful story of Marjan & Erik where I got the chance to capture this picture. It shows the couple right after saying „I do“. It shows an intimate moment full of emotions. These moments are just pure and I am thankful to create a little piece of art out of these beautiful moments.
I am very honored and happy to be nominated two times for the „Bruidsfoto Award“ 2012 in the Netherlands.Please vote for my two pictures.
Click here:
You will find different categories. You have to vote for three pictures in all categories. Thank you all in advance for your support. I really appreciate it.
And now I am just „happydancing“ behind my desk…. just because .

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