My dear wedding photographer…. an honest letter to those who pack their bags for the next wedding.
My dear wedding photographer,
This letter is for all of you out there who are just preparing their gear on a sunny Friday afternoon instead of buying their groceries for the bbq this weekend, for those who already check the weather forecast to be sure to have the right photography location with some shadow at noon and without rain at 4pm instead of planning their trip to the lake, for those who think about buying a new summer dress that is appropriate for wedding days (no black, no showing to much, no white, no foot length, no strapless) instead of shopping for their summer vacation, for those who book their massage appointment because of a tense neck from carrying the camera bag instead of having a day to relax at the spa, for those who don’t have a day off because of weddings on Friday and Saturday, client meetings on Sunday and editing from Monday till Thursday instead of 6 weeks summer vacation, for all who get a smile on their face editing through all these weddings reliving the emotions instead of looking at their own vacation pictures, for all who love chatting about all 2016 weddings with couples on a Sunday afternoon instead of eating ice cream with their family, for all despite all of these points you still love being a wedding photographer and you cannot wait to shoot the next one tomorrow. For all of you, we are in the same boat, you are not alone even if this being a wedding photographer sometimes feels like being alone. Without you there wouldn’t be happy wedding couples looking at their pictures seeing their wedding day again and without you there wouldn’t be parents and parents in law happy under the Christmas tree receiving printed images and parent books telling their kids „This was the best Christmas present ever.“
You all have the best job in the world and be sure you leave a footprint in this world with your images. I think just a very few people can say that about their profession. And if it feels hard on this Friday afternoon to pack your bags again with 35 degrees outside and the kids running around playing in the water, try to never forget what your images mean to others and that those images are the heirloom of their wedding day.
I wish you all a great wedding weekend, with the kindest couples, the best weather, the nicest locations and some great emotions to capture.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer
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