
I am a story teller and I do not only tell my own story but above all I tell love stories with my camera. I short while ago I had the pleasure to photograph Mareike, Kristina and her mother Hedwig in my little studio. It was a glamorous and fun day and I loved the interaction and love that happend between the three women.

As the love between mother and daughter is always something special I want to share with you a letter from Mareike and Kristina about their mother.

„Like for almost all children our mum is the best mum in the whole world. But what does make our mum so special and irreplaceable ? I already have 1000 things and characteristics in my mind that would describe her and why she is so special. 

That thing that makes her so special is above all her warm heart and her endless love. She has an  incredibly strong and sensitive character and is vibrantly enjoying the life. We see this every day in the small and big gestures, talks and happenings. Some very small things, that always make us smile and for that we sometimes forget to say „thank you“. Like a text message on a Wednesday morning telling us that half of the week is already done, or some favorite cuts for breakfast in the fridge when we come to see her in the weekend. Sometimes it is a long walk where we can unload anger or disappointment or talks where she gives us courage to find a new way or the right decision. And even if we ended up in a dead-end after a decision or something just doesn’t go as we want  our mum is always understanding and pushes us back on the right path. Her strength, her compassion and her liveliness shows us again and again that it is worthy to fight for small and big dreams and that love for family and friends is the most important thing in life. Her joy of walking our dog in the woods, long trips with the bike or an afternoon in the garden is catching. This is something we can  both learn a lot from to recognize how freeing and calming it can be to enjoy the small things in life. There is so much we consciously or unconsciously learned from our mum and I know we will learn a lot more from her. We are endlessly thankful for that !

If we are going to have children someday we wish we will be such a loving, strong and joyful mum to our children like our mum is to us.“


Thank you for writing these words and sharing them with my readers. Thank you also for coming to my studio and trusting me. It has been a wonderful day with you.

Mother’s Day is coming up this week if these pictures speak to you and you would love to be captured with your mum just contact me – we offer vouchers as a present to beautiful mums.

Beautiful Hair and Make-up by: Daniela Plesser

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Hi, ich bin Jennifer

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