Münster engagement session | Simone & Sebastian
Simone and Sebastian took one of their few days off to meetup with us for their engagement session.
I remember when they both sat on our couch over some sweets and coffee to get to know each other and talk about their wedding and Simone made the suggestion „What if we go to the local football stadium?“ Sebastian started laughing and looked at her „Are you serious?“ „Yes of course. I wouldn’t want the stadium to be the background for my wedding pictures but for the engagement session it would be perfect.“ He fell around her neck and said „You are the best. I love you so much.“
Well those who know me know that I am not a huge football or soccer fan. But when I saw these two together and how much he loved that idea I gave this background a try and I was really surprised how great the light in a stadium could be.
As a second location we went to the botanic garden where Sebastian proposed to Simone in pouring rain. Luckily last week we had the most beautiful morning light. After we ended our session we sat in the sun with a Apfelschorle and talked about their day. When the guy is not with us for a second I always love to get a chance to get some tiny details about the wedding dress and when Simone said „I didn’t want white wedding shoes. I wanted fancy shoes that I can wear on another occasion again.“ I almost fell around her neck because that is just truly what I think your wedding shoes should be: fancy shoes that are not going to die lonely in your closet but be worn again.
Simone and Sebastian are two of the sweetest people and I am so looking forward to photograph their wedding this summer.
You two thank you so much to take one of your precious holidays for our session. The beautiful morning light and the empty places were a clear reward for taking your pictures in the morning.

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