Mirjam & Gertjan | Weddingphotography in North-Holland

They met in 2009 at the house of a friend. They fell in love with each other but was even more important for them was their endless love for god. They had found a soulmate in each other and shortly after he asked her to marry him.

I had the great pleasure to capture their wedding day this year in North-Holland. Buma the dog of Mirjam’s family welcomed me hearlty when I arrived at her partent’s hous where she was getting ready with her best friend Diane. It was still quite in the house before her four brothers and sisters and her parents were coming. Upstairs in her old room was hanging her wonderful dress with 37 roses – she counted them all the evening before her weddingday.

He welcomed her with words in Hebrew and told her how much he loved her. And when Mirjam was walking down the aisle with her father Gertjan only had eyes for his beautiful bride and their dream of becoming husband and wife with the blessing of god. This day was so full of symbols and traditions that an owl came to bring the rings.

Their wedding day was not perfect and not everything went how they wanted – but the whole day was full of warmth and love and god which was the most important.

I was wonderful for me being part of your wedding day. Thank you for your trust in me.

I wish you both luck, health and god’s blessing for your future.

Hi, ich bin Jennifer

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