Mentor program with Ruben

This idea was spinning in my had since beginning last year. I wanted to help other photographers and not in a way that I show them how I do things but I wanted to help them finding themselves and building their own business. The idea of being a mentor to young photographers was born but I didn’t know how to start it. Then Ruben contacted me. We had been in contact since two years as he come to our house in Holland one day and we looked through his portfolio. He said that he was still thinking about that evening and if I didn’t want to offer a workshop for wedding photographers. Then I told him about the idea of being a mentor instead of hosting a workshop with a big group and he was in. We started his mentor program in October 2013 and ended it it December. All sessions had been on skype except for the last one where we had a chance to meet in person.

„Can you tell who you are, what you do and what you want? They can! And the strongest part is that Jennifer en Conrad not only helped me as photographer but also from another point of view that most creative people lack: commercial!“ – Ruben, Photographer,

Seriously we were an open book to him all the time, we planned each session for one hour and ended at midnight with a long to do list for him to change things. We analyzed his business and his photography and helped with our experience and also just our very personal opinion. We started in the first session with him as a person, his goals in life and business and where he sees his business at the moment. The second session was about marketing, branding and his positioning. The third session was about everything photography, his portfolio, technical questions, filing systems and editing. We also analyzed his prices and if he is making money and if the prices suit his life. We talked about wordpress plugins and programs that would save him so much time and help him having more time with his family. I just loved seeing him grow, having light bulb moments and starting to work on his business that it would fit his life and his family. The time flew by each and every session and I can’t wait to speak him in May again – six months after we finished we will follow up on everything that has changed and new obstacles that came up his way.

„Not only their knowledge and experience helped me, but also their personalities. So gentle, kind and understanding. And so much fun we had during our Skypecalls. This combination was just perfect for me.“ – Ruben, Photographer,

I can say I found a new passion being a mentor, teaching and helping others to find their path.

More dates for the complete 3 month mentor program and single mentor sessions of 3 hours will be first announced in our newsletter on April 15th. There will only be a very few spots for this summer.

Make sure you have a look at Ruben’s website !


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