Marjan & Erik | Wedding Photography in the Netherlands
They met 10 years ago on a vacation, they fell in love, they moved together and now 10 years later they sealed the love with a kiss and two rings and went on a honeymoon back to Italy where they met the first time.
This wedding started in Hilversum at their home with the preparations of the bride. Surrounded by her parents and a lot of coffee she got ready to become a bride. The beautiful weather made this morning just perfect. The groom was waiting outside to see his bride for the first time in the garden – just the two of them without the family. Please look at the pictures to see the beautiful emotions and the love that are present in every picture. The ceremony was held by Pauline Krom who did a wonderful speech for the couple and their family. I had tears in my eyes and I am sure everybody else had as well. The whole wedding was organized by Brenda Leusink of Bijzondere Bruiloft – the styling and all the organization was just perfect. The wonderful location for this wedding was The Broeker Huis in Broek in Waterland. The beautiful flower decoration was done by Don Florito. All those items together with the happy couple and the heartful guests made this day not only special for the wedding couple but also for me.
Many thanks to Marjan and Erik for letting me be part of your wedding day it was a pleasure to see you both in love, to see you surrounded by your family and friends and to have the honor to capture all those moments for you.
And there is another person I have to thank: Lesley Stefanski – thank you so much for being my second shooter – some of the pictures below are from her. It was just wonderful having you as my second shooter this day.

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