Manja & Jens | Wedding Photography in Western Germany
Their favorite animal is moose because she lived in Sweden for a while. Only with this expression I was blown away until I saw the rings… there was a little moose in it. Me as a wedding photographer I have never seen something like that before and I am stoked about the idea of the moose always being with them in their rings. We were hoping the whole morning for the sun to come out and as a sign from above the moment they said „I do“ the sunflares came through the window of the church of the castle Raesfeld. The biggest threat was gone and the couple was welcomed by all their friends and family in front of the church. The warm atmosphere (“ sorry, I am the father of the groom, could you take a picture of me. My wife things we need a picture of me with suspenders“), the beautiful location, the weather and the absolute happy couple made this a wonderful saturday wedding day.
Thank you for letting me be part of your wedding day and for the fun we had during the portraitsession.
PS every bride should have All-Stars as back-up shoes for later.
I liebe diesen Moment während der Gruppenfotos bei dem der Schleier sich um den Trauzeugen geschlugen hatte.
I just loved this moment during the group shots when the veil wrapped itself around the witness.

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