Launching: The welcome kit Verona and Berlin
We are super excited to announce the launching of our two new welcome kit templates: Berlin and Verona.
Those two design match the design of the Berlin and Verona price list templates. These matching designs assure you a cohesive look of your communication material for your wedding couples.
The welcome kit will save you hours of time creating beautiful content for your clients and with just some adding of your own images and your business name you can send an informative welcome package to your wedding clients. All documents will come for InDesign, Photoshop andPhotoshop Elements.
The content of the kit will be the same as for our classic welcome kit including:
– Welcome card with some greeting words for your wedding clients and presentation of yourself and your studio
-Engagement sessions and why you should have one
-Tips for the bride (getting ready, accessories…)
-Tips for the groom (getting ready, special tasks for the groom on the wedding day…)
-Tips for beautiful images (family formals, first dance…)
-The first Look
-Inspiration for the bride and groom
-Recommendations for other wedding vendors
-Three pages of questionnaire for the bride and groom to fill in to help the wedding photographer to get to know them better
-Questionnaire and info sheet for the bride and groom to fill in to help the wedding photographer with all information about the wedding day
-Product guide
The formats, fonts and design will be totally different and matching with the price list templates Verona and Berlin.
PS: The first version that is is the GERMAN version. The DUTCH version will follow very soon as well as the pricelist templates in Dutch. Thank you all for you emails asking for those templates in Dutch. We really appreciate it!!!
Welcome Kit Verona
Welcome Kit Berlin

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